New & Noteworthy for IBM Engineering Lifecycle Optimization - Publishing 7.0.3 M18

Desktop Client Added a new Rhapsody Model Manager (RMM) sample template

A new sample RMM template named ArchitectureElement.dta is added in the PUB_install_dir/templates directory. The new template enables the report to include RMM Architecture Element and all its aggregates.

Engineering Lifecycle Optimization - Publishing (PUB) clears unused variables and attributes from Script Expression tab

When PUB Designer creates a template using JavaScript, PUB now clears the variables and attributes that are not used in Script Expression to reduce the chance of unexpected output.
Engineering Lifecycle Optimization - Publishing (PUB) supports importing styles from Microsoft Word documents

PUB now supports importing styles from Microsoft Word documents during template design. It helps the template designer to quickly create styles in the PUB template based on the styles already defined in the Microsoft Word document.
Environmental variable is now supported for data source properties

Environment variable is now supported for the data source properties such as View, Baseline, Configuration context, and Base configuration context.

Image displaying Baseline and View property:

Image displaying Configuration context and Base configuration context property:
New predefined data source schema for Global Configuration Management (GCM)

When you add a data source schema, you can now select the following new predefined schema:
  • GCM Configurations
The new predefined data source schema reduces the time that it takes to design a template, as you need to replace only the name and port, instead of manually entering the complete URL.

Image of Add Data Source Schema Wizard:
Provided an option to remove custom metadata property

You can now delete the custom metadata property by selecting the property and clicking the delete button.

Image displaying the custom metadata property:
Document Builder Publishing Document Builder displays the template name associated with the data source

Publishing Document Builder now displays the template name that is associated with the data source in the generate document window. If the document style report has multiple templates, displaying the template name for the data source helps the user to understand the template that is in use.

Image of Generate document window:
Publishing Document Builder email notifications include template variable details

Document Builder email notifications now include template variable details. Hence, users can easily differentiate between reports in the email inbox using template variable details.

A PUB admin user can enable the inclusion of template variable details in email notifications. To enable variable details:
  1. In Document Builder, navigate to the Administration menu > Administer > Runtime variables tab.
  2. Expand the Mail section and select the Include template details in email notification checkbox.
A PUB designer can exclude the selected variable details from email notifications. To exclude variable details:
  • For a new report, go to Resources tab > Create Report. Enter the required information. Select Save and configure. In the Variables tab, select the variable, and then deselect the Include in email notification checkbox.
  • For an existing report, go to Reports. Click Edit advanced configuration in the Edit Column. In the Variables tab, select the variable, and then deselect the Include in email notification checkbox.
Image of Mail section in the Runtime variables tab:

Image of Variable tab in the Configure report window:

Image of an email notification displaying variable name and value:
Publishing Document Builder supports configuring data sources and variables using metadata

Publishing Document Builder now supports configuring data sources and variables using metadata similar to Launcher. Using metadata, the user can set the URI for data sources and provide values for template variables without any error. This makes document generation easy for non-technical users.

The Configuration Layer window displaying the values for selection:

Email notifications for Jazz Team server (JTS) users

Document Builder email notifications are now sent to JTS users. When you generate a document or create a schedule, you can select the Add owners button to add one or more available users. The selected users become the co-owners of the document and schedule. If Document Builder is registered with JTS, an email notification is sent to all the owners of the document or schedule during document generation.

Image of the Create schedule window displaying owners:

Extra Header' property made editable in connection

To allow the users to add additional headers to the data source connection, the Extra headers field in the Add data source connection window of Publishing Document Builder has been made editable.

Publishing Document Builder now allows the user to edit the Extra headers field while creating the data source connection. With this option, the users are no longer restricted to choose from the listed header profile. They can add additional headers, for instance, OSLC-Core-Version: 2.0, by using the same Extra headers field.

To add a data source connection, click the Connections tab on the Resources tab and then click Add connection. Fill in all the necessary details, including the extra header. For the extra header profile, if you select the POX profile header from the Extra headers drop-down menu, you can edit the Extra headers field and add the additional headers in the editable text area against the 'Extra headers' label. While adding the extra headers, make sure to follow the key:value pair format.
Image of the editable Extra Headers field on the Connection tab:

Implement Group by (privacy settings) for resources

To align Publishing Document Builder with Jazz Reporting Service Report Builder and for ease of use, a new Group by feature is added to Publishing Document Builder.

Publishing Document Builder now provides an option of Group by sharing for the resources. Using this feature, you can group the resources based on the sharing preferences and locate them more easily. The feature also simplifies the modification of the privacy of the resources, enabling you to change the privacy preference of multiple resources in one go.
To group resources based on sharing preferences on the Resources and Reports tabs, select Group by and then click Group by sharing.

Image of Group by sharing option on the Resources tab:

When you select the Group by sharing option, the resources are listed based on three privacy headers: Private, Public, and My.
1. Resources that are listed under the Private header can be accessed by the owners, co-owners, and administrators. Administrators can view all private resources that are created by any user.
Resources that are listed under the Public header can be accessed by any user.
Resources that are listed under the My header are created by the logged in user or owner. These resources can be private or public.
Image of privacy headers of Group by sharing option on the
Resources page:

Select one or more different types of HTML elements during document generation

You can now select one or more different types of HTML elements to allow only selected attributes to be printed in the document. In the Edit advanced configuration modal for the reports, a new label named Data type is added for each variable with the following values:

    - Simple text
    - Multi-value text
    - Boolean
    - Date
    - User

By default Simple text is selected.

Image displaying Data type field in the
Edit advanced configuration modal:

Based on the data type value selected, Generate document modal has different HTML elements for each variable.

Image of the Generate document window:
Updated PUB Document Builder with the changes of sentence casing

To enhance the readability for the users, the Publishing Document Builder user interface is now updated for sentence-style capitalization usage. You can now see consistent sentence-style capitalization across all the user interface elements such as labels, messages, and dialog titles, of Publishing Document Builder.

Image of the updated Publishing Document Builder user interface:

Eclipse Client Option to insert text within every cell in a table

In Document Studio, by default you can insert the text elements within every cell in a table by using the Insert the Text element within every Cell option in the New Table window.

Image of New Table window:
IBM Engineering Lifecycle Optimization - Publishing (PUB) DOORS PUB add-in Publish menu supports new languages

DOORS PUB add-in Publish menu and submenu items now support 11 new languages other than English.

The newly supported languages are as follows:
  • de (German)
  • es (Spanish)
  • fr (French)
  • it (Italian)
  • ja (Japanese)
  • ko (Korean)
  • pt (Portuguese)
  • ru (Russian)
  • tr (Turkish)
  • zh (Chinese)
  • zh_tw (Traditional Chinese)
Improved Microsoft Excel list output for multiple cells

IBM Engineering Lifecycle Optimization - Publishing (PUB) now supports List in different cells along with Numbering in Microsoft Excel output. PUB adds Numbering string before the list data to get the numbered list.

Image displaying list and corresponding output:

Image displaying list inside a template and corresponding output:
Improved Microsoft Excel list output for single cell

IBM Engineering Lifecycle Optimization - Publishing (PUB) now supports List in single cell along with Numbering in Microsoft Excel output. Users can choose to display a list in a single cell or multiple cells using List in single cell property available for Microsoft Excel output in the Document Specification.

Image displaying list and corresponding output in single cell: 

Integrating IBM Engineering Lifecycle Optimization - Publishing (PUB) Document Studio with Document Builder

You can now integrate Document Studio with Document Builder configured with Jazz Team Server (JTS) authentication. You can create, modify, or update resources directly from Document Studio. The integration works for JTS configured with Jazz Authorization Server (JAS) using application password, container authenticated JTS, and JTS configured with Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP).
Option to display text in a single cell or different cells in Microsoft Excel

You can now choose to display the text in Microsoft Excel output in a single cell or multiple cells.  Use XHTML to the text element, select XHTML Output in the script expression tab, then set the property Data in single cell to true in the Document Specification of Microsoft Excel output.

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