New & Noteworthy for Jazz Reporting Service 7.1 M06

LQE Updated the Link Index Provider (LDX) with the new Lifecycle Query Engine (LQE) relational store backend

The relational store can now be enabled for the Link Index Provider (LDX) web application by using the same procedure as the one for the Lifecycle Query Engine (LQE). For more information, see Installing and enabling LQE relational store. Before you enable the relational store for LDX, consider the following requirements:
  • The LDX relational store must be a different instance than the one for LQE.
  • The database must be created by using the data warehouse setup page of the Jazz Team Server (JTS) setup wizard.
Report Builder Improved Data completeness check feature

When you perform the data completeness check for a report in Report Builder, you can now view the message about number of data sources that are processing the change logs. If the message states that the LQE is processing the change logs, it implies that the data might be incomplete. You must wait until the LQE completes the change log processing and is up to date.

Image displaying the data completeness information:
Report Builder supports wildcards for additional operators on string properties

A Supports wildcards checkbox is added in the Report Builder for query conditions on string properties. By default, the checkbox is set to true when the "contains" or "does not contain" operator is selected and false for all the other operators. However, you can change that based on the requirement.

Previously, the Report Builder used an unquoted asterisk as a wildcard for the "contains" and "does not contain" operators. When the unquoted asterisk was specified for "is", "is not", "starts with", or "ends with", the asterisk was always treated literally.

If you select the Supports wildcards checkbox, an unquoted asterisk is taken as wildcard for all the operators. If the Supports wildcards checkbox is not selected, an unquoted asterisk is taken literally.
View Reports page now displays the Recent configurations

Now, on the View Reports page, when you click the Filter icon, the Recent configurations field is added under the Configurations tab. This field shows the last five configurations that were recently used. By default, the most recent configuration is selected.

If a recent configuration is used, you do not need to select the domain, project area, component, and configuration.

To use a different configuration, you can select the Find the configuration option and then select the domain, project area, component, and configuration.

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