New & Noteworthy for IBM Engineering Test Management 7.0.1

Artifact Editor In the artifact editor, only the members of the selected team area are now populated in the Owner list

In the artifact editor, only the members of the selected team area are now populated in the Owner list. If the selected member is not a member of the team area, an icon is shown next to the Owner list. When you hover over the icon, the following hover help is shown:

Owner does not belong to Team Area.

The artifact editor message window is now placed inline next to the artifact title

Until now, when a message was displayed in the artifact editor message window, the message window occupied the top line above the artifact title. When the message was shown or when the message window was closed, the contents below the message in the artifact editor page were shifted down or up.

Now, when a message is displayed in the artifact editor message window, the message window is placed inline, next to the artifact title. It does not occupy the top line above the artifact title. Also, when the message is shown or when the message window is closed, the contents below the message in the artifact editor page are not shifted down or up.
Browser Support IBM Engineering Test Management now officially supports the Chromium-based Microsoft Edge browser

IBM Engineering Test Management (ETM) now officially supports the Chromium-based Microsoft Edge browser for Windows. Also, the Microsoft Internet Explorer browser is no longer supported by ETM.

ETM Excel/Word Importer Utility Engineering Test Management Excel/Word Importer Utility now supports linking test cases to the module requirements

By using the Engineering Test Management (ETM) Excel/Word Importer Utility, you can now link the test cases to the module requirements.

Before the 7.0.1 release, the LinkByExistingID keyword supported linking test cases to both module and non-module requirements. The scope of the LinkByExistingID keyword is now expanded to support linking to the module requirements, non-module requirements, or both. In addition, a new keyword, requirementCollectionID is now added in the Utility.

To link a test case to a module requirement, use the LinkByExistingID keyword, and specify the requirement identifier in the following format:


Example: '1476.2345', wherein 1476 is the module identifier and 2345 is the requirement identifier.

To link a test case to a module requirement without modifying the spreadsheet data, use the requirementCollectionID keyword. Also, specify the requirement identifier in the configuration file.

Example: testcase.requirementCollectionID=2345, wherein 2345 is the value of the module identifier.

For more information on the available configuration syntax to link to the existing requirements, see ETM Excel/Word Importer Utility.

ETM Excel/Word Importer Utility logs now include the input parameter values and more detailed information

The Engineering Test Management (ETM) Excel/Word Importer Utility logs now include the input parameter values, such as the values that are provided and modified by the user. In addition, the debug log file contains detailed information about the import (Import for Offline - ETM Excel Importer only) and export (Export to File or Export to Repository) operations.

The following details are included in the debug log file:

  • ADDIN VERSION: Version of ETM Excel/Word Importer Utility
  • EXPORT TYPE: Export to File, Export to Repository, or Import for Offline
  • EXPORT FILE: Excel file that contains the content to export
  • EXPORT LOCATION: Directory that contains the exported XML files
  • CONFIG FILE: Configuration file used for an export operation
  • SERVER: ETM, Engineering Requirements Management DOORS Next (DOORS Next), or both
  • USERNAME: ETM, DOORS Next, or both
  • PROJECT: ETM, DOORS Next, or both project name(s)
  • STREAM URL: ETM, DOORS Next, or both stream(s) if Configuration Management-enabled project(s) are selected
  • LINK TO EXISTING: true if Link to existing RM Requirement is selected, or else false
  • RQMS LOCATION: Directory that contains the RQMS file (Import for Offline only)
ETM Excel/Word Importer Utility now prompts only once to authenticate with ETM and DOORS Next

During the import operation, the Engineering Test Management (ETM) Excel/Word Importer Utility now prompts only once to authenticate with ETM and Engineering Requirements Management DOORS Next (DOORS Next). If the authentication details that you entered to access ETM are not accepted to access DOORS Next, you will be prompted to authenticate with DOORS Next. You can choose to enter different authentication details for DOORS Next. The authentication details that are entered to access ETM and DOORS Next are used for all the operations.

ETM Excel/Word Importer Utility now supports configurable logging level for the log file

The ETM Excel/Word Importer Utility now supports multiple logging levels to control the amount of information that is written to the log file.

You can now change the logging level in the settings.txt file, which is available in the ETM Excel/Word Importer Utility installation folder. For example:

C:\Program Files\IBM\ETMWordImporterX64ForDotNET45\settings.txt.

In the settings.txt file, the default logging level is set to INFO. Also, the details about the supported logging levels, such as ALL, TRACE, DEBUG, INFO, WARNING, ERROR, FATAL, and OFF are mentioned in the settings.txt file. You can choose to replace the logging level with one of the supported logging levels from the Logging Settings section in the settings.txt file.

For more information about logging support, see ETM Excel/Word Importer Utility.

ETM Excel/Word Importer Utility now supports saving user credentials

You can now avoid entering the authentication details every time you access the Engineering Test Management (ETM) Excel/Word Importer Utility. To do so, select the Remember me checkbox in the Export to ETM dialog box that results in saving your authentication details to the application-specific local configuration file.

Note: The Remember me checkbox is unavailable for the non .Net version of 32-bit variant (ETMExcelImporterSetup or ETMWordImporterSetup).

For more information on the Remember me option, see ETM Excel/Word Importer Utility.

ETM Excel/Word Importer Utility progress indicator now includes the error code and a message

The Engineering Test Management (ETM) Excel/Word Importer Utility progress indicator now includes the error code and message if an export operation fails.

For example, if the user does not have sufficient permissions to create an artifact, the progress indicator displays the following error code and message:

The remote server returned an error: (403) Forbidden.
Message: Save Keyword failed, permission denied. You don't have permission to perform the following actions: Create (create

In some cases, the error message might not contain the cause for the error. For example, see the following error code and message:

The remote server returned an error: (400) Bad Request.
Message: Bad Request

Kerberos authentication support is provided for the ETM Excel/Word Importer Utility

Kerberos is now added as an authentication type in the Export to Repository user interface for the ETM Excel/Word Importer Utility. As a result, you can now import the test artifacts and requirements to servers that are configured with Kerberos authentication.

Complete the following steps to import artifacts to servers that are configured with Kerberos authentication:

  • Select Export to Repository from the Add-in menu.
  • Select Kerberos as the authentication type from the Type list.
  • Click Validate, which validates the connection with the server and retrieves the list of available projects.

For more information on the available authentication types, see ETM Excel/Word Importer Utility.

Execution A new project property is added to disable the pre-population of the Summary and Description fields when you create a defect

Until now, when you created a defect, the Summary and Description fields were populated with information from the related test script. This information was sometimes too general and not useful, oftentimes manually deleted from the defect.

As an alternative, a new project property, Disable pre-populating the summary and description of a new defect with the related test script information is added under the Execution Preferences section in the Manage Project Properties > Properties page.

The new project property is deselected by default. When you create a defect with the new project property deselected, the Summary and Description fields are populated with information from the related test script. When you create a defect with the new project property selected, the Summary and Description fields remain blank.
A new project property is added to select the Modify execution variable values checkbox by default

A new project property, Select the Modify execution variable values checkbox by default in the Run Test Case and Run Test Suite dialog boxes, is added under the Execution Preferences section in the Manage Project Properties > Properties page. When you select this project property, the Modify execution variable values checkbox is selected by default in the Run Test Case and Run Test Suite dialog boxes. As a result, the Next button is enabled and the Finish button is disabled in the Run Test Case and Run Test Suite dialog boxes. With this change, it is now mandatory to review or modify the execution variable values before you start the test.

New preconditions are added to prevent the execution of test case execution records and test suite execution records if the associated test plan is not approved

A new precondition, Disallow execution of Test Suite Execution Record until the associated Test Plan is approved is added for the Execute Test Case operation. When this precondition is enabled for a user role, the user with that role cannot run the test case execution record that is associated with a test plan that is not approved.

A new precondition, Disallow execution of Test Suite Execution Record until the associated Test Plan is approved is added for the Execute Test Suite operation. When this precondition is enabled for a user role, the user with that role cannot run the test suite execution record that is associated with a test plan that is not approved.

New preconditions are added to prevent the execution of test case execution records and test suite execution records that are not associated with a current iteration

A new precondition, Disallow execution of Test Case Execution Record without current iteration association is added for the Execute Test Case operation. When this precondition is enabled for a user role, the user with that role cannot run the test case execution record that is not associated with the current iteration.

A new precondition, Disallow execution of Test Suite Execution Record without current iteration association is added for the Execute Test Suite operation. When this precondition is enabled for a user role, the user with that role cannot run the test suite execution record that is not associated with the current iteration.

Support mapping of test case result categories and test case result custom attributes to the target project area while duplicating a test case or test plan

You can now map the artifact categories and custom attributes for the test case results when you copy a test case or test plan from one project area to another project area.

If you select to include the test case results when you duplicate a test case or test plan from one project area to another project area, an additional page is provided in the duplication wizard. In this additional page, you can map the test case result categories and test case result custom attributes to the target project area.

If you do not want to duplicate the test case result categories or test case result custom attributes, select the Do not map option on the additional page of the duplication wizard. The skipped artifact categories and custom attributes will not be available in the test case results of the target project area.

Export/Print Improved usability of the Manage Export Jobs Queue table view

You can now use the filtering option for most of the columns in the Manage Export Job Queue table view. A new column, Completion Time, is added to the table view. Also, you can drill down the export jobs in the queue to view related jobs.

New project property is added to restrict the Export PDF menu options

A new project property, Artifact Export Preferences, is added under the Execution Record Preferences section in the Manage Project Properties > Properties page. This project property is added to restrict the Export PDF menu options in the test artifact editors that support PDF reporting.  This project property includes the following preferences:

  • PDF export summary
  • PDF export details
  • PDF export comprehensive

By default, all preferences are selected. You can view the options in the Export PDF menu of the test artifact editors that support PDF reporting.

PDF and CSV Exports are registered as resource-intensive scenarios in ETM

From the 7.0.1 release, the PDF and CSV Exports are registered as resource-intensive scenarios. Following are the scenario names:

  • PDF export: RQM_Export_PDF
  • CSV export: RQM_Export_CSV

When the verbose logging is enabled for these resource-intensive scenarios, the following additional information is captured in the ETM logs:

  • File name
  • Print type
  • Project area UUID
  • Export job UUID
  • Date and time requested on

For more information about description and best practices of these resource-intensive scenarios, see Known Resource-intensive Scenarios.

Process Template Configuration Lead user role is created when you create a project area

The Configuration Lead user role is now created by default, when you create a project area by using the following process templates:

  • Quality Management Default Process
  • Quality Management Legacy Process
  • Quality Management for Essential SAFe 4.6
  • Quality Management for Full SAFe 4.6
  • Money that Matters Sample Process

A user with the Configuration Lead role is provided with all the permissions that are required to work in the configuration management enabled project area. A user with the Configuration Lead role is also provided with all the permissions that are provided to the Test Team Member role.

New SAFe 5.0 process templates

You can now use the following new Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe) process templates to create a project area:

  • Quality Management for Essential SAFe 5.0
  • Quality Management for Full SAFe 5.0

The process templates can also be used to create a lifecycle project area.

The following SAFe 4.5 process templates are deprecated, and they are not available for creating a new project area:

  • Quality Management for Essential SAFe 4.5
  • Quality Management for Full SAFe 4.5
  • Quality Management for Large Solution SAFe 4.5
  • Quality Management for Portfolio SAFe 4.5
Reporting Ignore or unignore skipped resources in the Manage Skipped Resources table view

You can now use the new actions and the improvements to the Manage Skipped Resources table view to manage skipped resources. The following new actions are added to the Manage Skipped Resources table view:

  • Retry resource: Publishes TRS deletion and creation events to the ETM Resources (TRS 2.0) feed. LQE and LDX are forced to do a retry for the resources by using this action. This option is helpful for temporarily failing requests.

  • Ignore resource: Publishes a deletion event for the ETM Resources (TRS 2.0) feed. LQE and LDX remove the resource from their repository. After the action is completed, the resource is changed to Ignored in the Manage Skipped Resources table.

  • Unignore skipped resource: After the action is completed, the resource is changed to Skipped in the Manage Skipped Resources table.

The following improvements are made to the Manage Skipped Resources table view:

  • The Version column is added that shows the modified date of the resource version. Each resource is identified easily from other versions of the same resource.

    Note: Multiple versions of the same resource can be listed when you work with streams and baselines.

  • The sorting and filtering actions are enabled for the Version and ID columns.

  • The State column is added that shows the state of the skipped resource as Skipped or Ignored. You can also sort, group, and filter the data in the State column.

Manage Skipped Resources improvements

By using Manage Skipped Resources, you can see the list of the Engineering Test Management (ETM) skipped resources (TRS 2.0 data source) in Lifecycle Query Engine (LQE) or Link Index Provider (LDX). The ETM application evaluates and determines the possible skipped resources to track them in its own repository. You can use the page actions, sort, group, or filter options in the skipped resource list.

With the help of this process, you can manage the skipped resources, and by using the page actions, you can potentially solve the most common incidences or ignore the skipped resources completely.

The following improvements are done in Manage Skipped Resources:

  • Ignore Resource action: The skipped resources can be ignored by using the Ignore Resource row action. After a skipped resource is ignored, a deletion event is published. LQE and LDX remove the failing skipped resource from their repository until the skipped resource is requested again by LQE or LDX. To ignore a skipped resource, you must provide a brief textual reason. After the skipped resource is ignored, the reason is displayed when you hover over the Ignored cell in the State column for the skipped resource.
  • Unignore Resource action: Ignored skipped resources can be unignored by using the Unignore Resource row action.
  • Informational hover: More information on the error code that includes a description, explanation, and user-action is provided when you hover over the error code cell in the Error Code column for a skipped resource. As such, the Description column is not displayed, by default.
  • Column filtering and sorting: Filtering and sorting capabilities are added to the ID and Version columns.
  • New location: Manage Skipped Resource is now available on the ETM administration page under TRS Feed Diagnostics and Skipped Resources.

OSLC Migration now supports model version rollback

System administrators can now roll back the model version of OSLC Migration. They can perform OSLC Migration from any model version that is provided.

The OSLC Migration should be performed after a system is upgraded to migrate the test artifacts, resource shapes, or both from a previous model version to the current model version. Previously, it was only possible to perform OSLC Migration until the next upgrade. Now, OSLC Migration can be performed from any previous model version. If you configure the model version as 0, all the test artifacts and resource shapes are migrated.

Note: OSLC Migration model version rollback is performed only when it is instructed by IBM Software Support.

OSLC Migration model version rollback can be configured in the OSLC Migration Manager: https://<domain>:port/<context>/oslcMigrationManager

Rollback dialog image:

Tools Copy Project Properties Utility is upgraded to copy additional project properties

Copy Project Properties Utility is now updated to copy most of the project properties. By using this Utility, you can copy the following project properties from the source project area to the target project area:

  • Artifact Export Preferences
  • Automated Test Preferences
  • Build Provider
  • Categories
  • Configuration Management Preferences
  • Custom Attributes
  • Execution Preferences
  • Execution Record Preferences
  • Execution States
  • Link Validity
  • List View Queries
  • Manual Script Preferences
  • Project Execution Variables
  • Quality Objectives
  • Related Sites
  • Report Properties
  • Requirement Risk Preferences
  • Risks
  • Shared Resource Locations
  • Test Case/Suite Preferences
  • Test Result Preferences
  • Test Script Preferences

The following project properties cannot be copied from the source project area to the target project area by using this Utility:

  • Lab Resource and Channel Properties
  • Test Plan Environment Types

Note: If the Team Areas & Timelines project property is enabled for a project area, then a user cannot disable it. This project property is intentionally not copied from the source project area to the target project area.

Usability Enhancements A new project property is added to enable the suspect result status for test case execution records

A new project property, Enable the Suspect Result status for test case execution records, is added under the Execution Record Preferences section in the Manage Project Properties > Properties page. When you select the new property, a test case execution record is displayed with the Suspect Result status for the following conditions:
  • The test case of the test case execution record is modified after the last run of the test case execution record.
  • The test script of the test case execution record that was run on the last test case result, is modified after the last run of the test case execution record.
These listed conditions might invalidate the current test case result.

The Suspect Result status is available in all the list views of the test case execution records. It is also displayed in the test case execution record editor and in the test case execution record dashboard viewlet. The Suspect Result status change might also be reported by the email notification system, if configured.

Image of the Suspect Result status message:
A new row level menu action is added in the test artifact list views to perform bulk updates to multiple columns simultaneously

Until now, it was possible to perform bulk updates to a single column by clicking the action icon in the column header, but it was not possible to perform bulk updates to multiple columns simultaneously.

A new row level menu action, Bulk update is now added in the test artifact list views to perform bulk updates to multiple columns simultaneously.

The Bulk update dialog box contains all the columns that are displayed in the test artifact list view and support the bulk update option. The columns that are not displayed in the test artifact list view or do not support the bulk update option are not included in the Bulk update dialog box.

Image of Bulk update dialog box:

You can now perform bulk updates to multiple columns simultaneously in the following test artifact list views:
  • Test Plans
  • Test Cases
  • Test Suites
  • Test Scripts
  • Test Data
  • Keywords
  • Test Case Execution Records
  • Test Suite Execution Records
  • Test Case Results
  • Test Suite Results
  • Test Plan editor:
    • Test Cases section
    • Test Suites section
    • Test Case Execution Records section
    • Test Suite Execution Records section
    • Test Case Results section
    • Test Suite Results section
    • Child Test Plans section
  • Test Case editor:
    • Test Scripts section
    • Test Case Execution Records section
  • Test Suite editor:
    • Test Cases section
    • Test Suite Execution Records section
Associate a test script to several test cases in a single operation

You can now associate a test script to multiple parent test cases in a single operation. The association can be configured from the Parent Test Cases related information panel in the test script editor.

Image of the Associate Test Script with Test Case:

ETM improvements to decrease ELM server shutdown time

Until the 7.0.1 release, sometimes, the ELM server shutdown was blocked because of the running ETM asynchronous tasks and the resource-intensive scenarios. During this time, the ELM server was unusable.

From the 7.0.1 release, the ELM server shutdown process is not blocked when the ETM asynchronous tasks and resource-intensive scenarios are running. When the ELM server shutdown is initiated, all the running ETM asynchronous tasks and resource-intensive scenarios are stopped and the ELM server shutdown is initiated immediately.

Link multiple test cases to the same set of remote artifacts in bulk

You can now link multiple test cases to the same set of remote artifacts. For example, you can link test cases to requirements, development items, and architecture elements from Requirements Management, Change Management, and Architecture Management applications, respectively.

To link multiple test cases to the same set of remote artifacts, select one of the following options:

  • Option 1:
    1. Open the Browse Test Cases table view.
    2. Select the test cases that you want to link.
    3. Open the row level menu.
    4. Go to Link Test Cases to > Requirements/Development Items/Architecture Elements to link the selected test cases to the same set of remote artifacts.
  • Option 2:
    1. Open Browse Test Cases table view.
    2. Select the test cases that you want to link.
    3. Click the bulk change icon for Tests Development Items/Validates Requirements/Validates Architecture Elements column to link the selected test cases to the same set of remote artifacts.
  • Option 3:
    1. Open Browse Test Cases table view.
    2. Select the test cases that you want to link.
    3. Open the row level menu.
    4. Click Bulk update to link the selected test cases to the same set of remote artifacts.
Non-admin users can now access the Manage Project Properties page

Until now, the Manage Project Properties menu was available to JazzAdmins, JazzProjectAdmins, or the project area administrator only. Other users were unable to access the Manage Project Properties page. For this reason, non-administrator users who are members of the project area were unable to modify or create test environment types and attributes.

Now, the following changes are done to enable the non-administrator users to access the Manage Project Properties page and edit some of the properties:

  • The Save Administrative Option permission label is changed to Manage Project Properties.
  • JazzAdmins, JazzProjectAdmins, and the project area administrators can still access the Manage Project Properties page without any additional permissions.
  • A new permission Manage Project Properties > View is provided, and its default value is set as Not Permitted for all roles. All non-administrator users must have this permission enabled for their roles to access the Manage Project Properties page.
  • To edit the changes in the Manage Project Properties page, all users must have Manage Project Properties > Edit permission.
  • New permissions for the following operations are provided to JazzAdmins and the non-administrator users, and the default value is set as Not Permitted:
    • Save Lab Resource Attributes and Types > Create, Edit, Hide, Permanently Delete, and Restore. These permissions are associated with the lab resource attributes and types, which are listed in a table with heading name Types under Lab Resource and Channel Properties.
    • Save Test Plan Environment Types > Remove Type and Set Type. These permissions are associated with the test plan environment types.
    • Save Report Properties > Edit. This permission is associated with the properties that are available under Report Properties.           
  • Non-administrator users can now edit the following properties under the Manage Project Properties page that are provided with the associated permission control:
    • Execution States: Save Execution States
    • Lab Resource and Channel Properties:
      • Types: Save Lab Resource Attributes and Types
      • Channels: Save Channels
    • Project Execution Variables: Save Project Execution Variables
    • Quality Objectives: Save Quality Objective
    • Report Properties: Save Report Properties
    • Test Plan Environment Types: Save Test Plan Environment Types
    • Categories: Save Category
    • Custom Attributes: Save Custom Attribute
  • Remaining sections from the Manage Project Properties page are not provided with property-specific permissions. Only JazzProjectAdmins and the project area administrators can edit these sections. JazzAdmins and the non-administrator users cannot edit these sections, even if they are provided with the Manage Project Properties > Edit permission.
Test cases generated during reconciliation are added to a test plan in the same sequence as the corresponding requirements

Until now, test cases that were generated in the Reconcile Requirements dialog box in a test plan editor were added to the test plan, but not in the same sequence as the corresponding requirements were added to the requirement collection or module.

Now, test cases that are generated in the Reconcile Requirements dialog box in a test plan editor are added to the test plan in the same sequence as the corresponding requirements were added to the requirement collection or module.
Web UI New style for UI components: Buttons, links, breadcrumbs, modal dialog boxes, and tabs

Select user interface components (buttons, links, breadcrumbs, modal dialog boxes, and tabs) are restyled in IBM Engineering Lifecycle Management (ELM) products as part of the ongoing task to align with IBM's open source Carbon Design System.

Image of buttons (before and after):

Image of links in list view (before and after):

Image of breadcrumbs in ETM editor (before and after):

Image of Create Test Case dialog box (before and after):

Image of ETM work space tabs (before and after):

Dashboards and work items are no longer publicly available, so some links may be invalid. We now provide similar information through other means. Learn more here.

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