Schema Summary |
Target Namespace:
Defined Components:
Default Namespace-Qualified Form:
Schema Location:
Imported by Schemas (1):
All Element Summary |
[READ-ONLY] An attribute that resides on the type.
[READ-ONLY] The path to the attribute from the root of the labresource.
[READ-ONLY] An attribute may have one of the following cardinalities (1 and 1:n cardinalities are reserved for use by RQM only): 0:1, 0:n, 1, and 1:n
[READ-ONLY] A set of enumerated values for the type.
[READ-ONLY] A component in the attribute path.
[READ-ONLY] An attribute may have one of the following primitive types: String, Integer, Date/Time, User (disallowed for custom attributes), and Group (disallowed for custom attributes)
[READ-ONLY] An attribute can be a reference to a type.
[READ-ONLY] This is an indicator that the type will be used in the Test Environment generation tool in the RQM Web UI.
[READ-ONLY] An object residing in the catalog.
[READ-ONLY] The value of the enumeration..
XML schema documentation generated with DocFlex/XML RE 1.9.0 using DocFlex/XML XSDDoc 2.8.0 template set