Examples of Query Last modified 18:30 ET November 26, 2007 Assumptions: - Jazz is running at http://example.com - client has already been authenticated as a user named Zoe - existing project /jazz/projects/main - zoe is authorized to work in project main - no extant resources - indexing rule for XML namespace http://music.example.com/schema Each step shows 1 round trip from client to server. ========================================== STEP The client POSTS a query to the database. POST /jazz/projects/main/query HTTP/1.1 Host: example.com Authorization: [zoe's credentials] Date: [t500] Accept: */* Content-Type: application/xquery Content-Length: 256 xquery declare namespace rdf = "http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#"; declare namespace wi = "http://www.jazz.net/xmlns/workitems/"; for $index in collection("JRS_RDF_INDEX")/rdf:Description where $index/wi:workItemType = "defect" and $index/wi:internalPriority = 1 and $index/wi:internalState != 4 return $index/fn:string(@rdf:about); HTTP/1.1 200 OK Date: [t592] Content-Length: [nnn] Content-Type: application/atom+xml ETag: [tag592] Last-Modified: [t592] [some server-assigned id] Query results [t592] System The server response. (End of examples.)