Jazz.net article template [title, sentence style capitalization]

Sydney J. Hurtubise, Borderline Research Institute [authors' names, company]
Last updated: [June 16, 2009]
Build basis: Rational Team Concert 2.0 [Product name, version]

This sample article uses the stylesheet and contains examples of the elements found in typical articles. It follows the recommended form for Jazz.net articles, and can be used as a crib sheet. The byline and the copyright <p> elements have special HTML markup. Everything else is vanilla HTML, using the XHTML 1.0 Transitional document type. Use the W3C XHTML Markup Validation Service to check your document's markup.

Sample text

Here is the body of the article.

Sample code

Here is some sample Java code:

public class Sample {
   public static void main(String args...) {
      System.out.println("Hello world!");

Sample image

Here is a sample image:

Sample screen capture

Here is an image that is as wide as will safely fit:

Widest possible image

For more information

About the author

Sydney J. Hurtubise is a legend in his own mind. His name has been associated with the artificial intelligence research since the days of GOFAI. Sydney works for Borderline Research Institute in Sault Ste. Marie. He can be contacted at sydneyj@example.com.