Jazz Library Tip: Running the ClearQuest Synchronizer Gateway for Rational Team Concert as a Windows Service
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Tip: Running the ClearQuest Synchronizer Gateway for Rational Team Concert as a Windows Service

Last Updated: April 3, 2013
Author: Lorelei Ngooi
Build basis: Rational Team Concert 3.0, 4.0


This article provides instructions on how to run the ClearQuest Synchronizer Gateway for Rational Team Concert as a Windows service inside an instance of Tomcat.

More Information

The following instructions assume that the Jazz ClearQuest Synchronizer has been installed into the default installation directory: C:Program FilesIBMClearQuestSynchronizer. Adjust the paths accordingly if you put it somewhere else.

  1. To install the service, run the following command:
    C:Program FilesIBMClearQuestSynchronizergatewaytomcatbinservice.bat install CQGateway
  2. To configure the service, run this command and complete the following steps:
    • RTC 1.0 and 2.0 – C:Program FilesIBMClearQuestConnectorgatewaytomcatbintomcat5w.exe //ES//CQGateway
    • RTC 3.0 to – C:Program FilesIBMClearQuestSynchronizergatewaytomcatbintomcat5w.exe //ES//CQGateway
    • RTC and higher, including 4.0 – C:Program FilesIBMClearQuestSynchronizergatewaytomcatbintomcat7w.exe //ES//CQGateway

    1. On the Java tab, clear the Use default check box:
      1. Set the Java Virtual Machine path to the following:

        • RTC 1.0 – C:Program FilesIBMClearQuestConnectorwin32ibm-java2-i386-50jrebinj9vmjvm.dll
        • RTC 2.0 – C:Program FilesIBMClearQuestConnectorjrebinj9vmjvm.dll
        • RTC 3.0 and 4.0 – C:Program FilesIBMClearQuestSynchronizerjrebinj9vmjvm.dll

      2. The Java Classpath may have an extra entry for the tomcat-juli.jar. If it does, remove it.
      3. Change the Maximum memory pool size to 700.
      4. Add the following lines at the bottom of the Java Options text field:

         C:/Program Files/IBM/ClearQuestSynchronizer/gateway/cqconnector.properties -Dlog4j.configuration=

         file:///C:/Program Files/IBM/ClearQuestSynchronizer/gateway/log4j.properties -Dcom.ibm.rational.connector.cq.gateway.cqPackageDir=

         C:/Program Files/IBM/ClearQuestSynchronizer/gateway/cqPackage

        If the following lines are missing, add them.


         C:/Program Files/IBM/ClearQuestSynchronizer/gateway/tomcat -Dcatalina.home=

         C:/Program Files/IBM/ClearQuestSynchronizer/gateway/tomcat

      5. Depending upon the version of ClearQuest that is installed, also add: -Dcq.home= CQ install directory. The default install directories are:
        • 7.0.1 – C:/Program Files/Rational/ClearQuest
        • 7.1 – C:/Program Files/IBM/RationalSDLC/ClearQuest
        • 8.0 – C:/Program Files/IBM/RationalSDLC/ClearQuest
    2. On the Startup and Shutdown tabs, make sure the Mode setting is jvm.
    3. On the Startup tab set the working directory to C:/Program Files/IBM/ClearQuestSynchronizer/gateway
    4. On the General tab you can change the Startup type to be Automatic if you want the service to start when the machine is rebooted.
  3. Edit the log4j.properties file (in C:Program FilesIBMClearQuestSynchronizergateway) to change the value of the log4j.appender.cqgateway.File property to an absolute path. For example:
    log4j.appender.cqgateway.File=C:/Program Files/IBM/ClearQuestSynchronizer/gateway/tomcat/logs/cqgateway.log
  4. Start and stop the Gateway directly using the server.startup.bat script in C:Program FilesIBMClearQuestSynchronizergateway. This ensures that the environment in which the Gateway runs is initialized correctly. Note that the server.shutdown.bat script might not actually stop the tomcat process, so you might need to terminate it by hand.
  5. Start the service to test out the server.

When running the gateway as a service, it doesn’t appear to be possible to use MS ACCESS as the ClearQuest database.



Mon, 12 Nov 2012