Rational Team Concert Workshop – Distributed SCM and Shipping RTC SCM Change Sets Across Disconnected Networks


In a distributed environment it can be useful and even necessary to be able to share version controlled source code, with version history. If several RTC servers are deployed on separate sites with team independently working on projects, some teams might need to use source code from another site and be able to reintegrate their changes. The same situation would be, if a partner is supposed to create code, maybe based on some shared code, and te code developed needs to be provided back.

Sometimes it is necessary to contain development data in disconnected networks. However it is still necessary to be able to share work products with other teams working in other networks. Some products such as IBM Rational Clear Case provide capabilities to achieve this by shipping the change data in some format back and forth and replicate them in and out of a system. Rational Team Concert, with Version 4.x today, does not provide this kind of export mechanism. It is however, still possible to use the built in distributed SCM Capability and backup capabilities to achieve the same goal.

This workshop provides a detailed description how to achieve this goal. This workshop also explains the steps necessary to set up distributed SCM in general and how it can be used in situations with connected networks.

The Workshop

The workshop provides several labs that you can follow step by step to run a scenario to use RTC distributed SCM an ship the changes to a disconnected site. The workshop contains the following labs:

  • Lab 1: Solution Overview – provides with the workshop scenario, necessary theory and hints about considerations if the content is supposed to be used in production
  • Lab 2: Preparing a Shipping Server – how to easily create a server to be used for distributes SDM and package it for easy reuse in shipping scenarios
  • Lab 3: Using Distributed SCM for Shipping – explains how to use distributed SCM to copy versioned data between servers and prepare it for shipping to a distributed site
  • Lab 4: Distributed SCM and Shipping Changes To a Server – explains how to restore the data for shipping on a disconnected site and how to share it with another server on that site

Download the Workshop Labs

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