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Search Tips

If you are having trouble finding the correct search results, these tips might help you.

  • We support wildcard searches. You could do a single character wildcard search using "?" symbol or multiple character wildcard search using "*" symbol.
  • We support fuzzy search by using tilde "~" symbol. e.g Searching on rational~ will find terms like rationale, national, etc.
    Note: You cannot use a * or ? symbol as the first character of a search.
  • You could control the relevance of a document by boosting its term. To boost a term use the caret, "^", symbol with a boost factor. e.g. If you are searching for "rational team concert" and you want the term "rational" to be more relevant you would type, rational^4 team concert
  • We support boolean operators like - AND, "+", OR, NOT and "-" to combine the search terms.
    Note: Boolean operators must be ALL CAPS.
  • You could also use parentheses to group terms to form sub queries. e.g. (rational OR jazz) AND quality
  • We support escaping special characters that are part of the query syntax by using the \ before the character. The special character are - + - && || ! ( ) { } [ ] ^ " ~ * ? : \.