How do I disable source control web UI?

Accepted answer

from the admin page of the application > advanced properties >
To generalize I would put it as
{"first application":["page1","page2"],"second application":["page1","page2]}
here is another example to follow the generalized format:
{"": ["","", ""],"": [""]}
bold italicized text identifies the application, bold text following it identifies the particular menus to be suppressed
to know the value to be given as page, visit the welcome page of the corresponding menu and the value against the #action= parameter is the value you are looking for
hope it helps but as pointed by Ralph, it will only hide and not disable the functionality.
to {"": [""]}
To generalize I would put it as
{"first application":["page1","page2"],"second application":["page1","page2]}
here is another example to follow the generalized format:
{"": ["","", ""],"": [""]}
bold italicized text identifies the application, bold text following it identifies the particular menus to be suppressed
to know the value to be given as page, visit the welcome page of the corresponding menu and the value against the #action= parameter is the value you are looking for
hope it helps but as pointed by Ralph, it will only hide and not disable the functionality.
Brian Schimpf
JAZZ DEVELOPER Jan 21 '13, 1:57 p.m.I've added the jazzhub tag to your question. Someone from the JazzHub team would be in the best position to respond beyond what Ralph has already said.