Delete or hide Streams and Components
One answer

You can delete Streams in the Eclipse client. You can not delete components in the moment. See my answer on for how to work around that.

Thanks for the response Ralph.
I am not looking to delete the component. Instead i want to hide the unused components and streams.
In ClearCase UCM, I had an option to LOCK and Obsolete stream/component.
I am looking something similar to hide the unused streams and components.

As mentioned in my first answer, please look at:
I have described how you can hide a component there today already.
1 vote

Thanks Ralph.

Hi Ralph,

You are mixing concepts. As described, components can be private and if so, would only show up in the view of the owner. This you can hide components by making them private to some user used for that purpose. For example use the build user.
Streams can be owned by project areas or teams and have a visibility setting that can limit the visibility of them to members of the owning Team area.
I am not aware of additional filters in the Eclipse UI. The Team Artifacts view can be filtered on project/team level.

Sure Thanks !