The properties of a file/folder have been automatically changed with RTC or jazz.executable file property is not working as expected

The properties of a file/folder have been changed automatically..which I don't want...for example If I deliver the code from windows to repository and then try to load the code from repository to AIX then file property is changing automatically and hence all my project code goes to unresolved state... which I don't want,could you please help me on the same.please refer the below :
Property on my Windows machine:
jazz.encoding - UTF-8
jazz.executable - false
jazz.line-delimiter - Platform
jazz.mime - text/plain
Property on my AIX machine: property list build.xml
jazz.encoding - UTF-8
jazz.executable - true
jazz.line-delimiter - Platform
jazz.mime - text/plain - Public
One answer

Opened workitem to track this issue.