Limiting the visibilty of other users on the JTS...(adding a team member)

In high security programs, you don't want users to know who else is working in the program (the other users in the JTS). With the permissions model, it is possible to disable the ability to add team members. However , you can still attempt to add members and in so doing see a list of user names.
Is there any way of stopping this?
Workarounds I can think of are installing separate JTS's for each project in a program (this seems messy to will be duplicating users...higher admin). Or maybe just using anonymous user names....
Anybody had similar issues?
Accepted answer

Please feel free to add a comment to that work item, indicating your interest/support.

Hi Geoffrey,
The issue is addressed in the work item you have listed. However I cannot leave a comment in the work item as I don't have a suitable licence assigned to me. Could you or someone from the team please assign me a licence.

Everyone registered on should be able to post a comment on a work item. There sometimes are admin issues that temporarily cause licensing failures ... please try again to add a comment ... if that fails, let us know, and we'll have our IT folks take a look.