API for RTC-Connectors?

My name is Yuki. For a group project, I have been trying to build connectors to ClearQuest and ClearCase. I am rather new to Jazz and have tried to access API documents. I have seen a someone's post regarding how to create Javadoc. Here is a excerpt:
"When trying to generate the JavaDoc from the source package I get about 100 errors. So this seems to be no solution either"
I have had exactly the same problem for connectors API. I have tried to fill missing references or dependencies to create complete Javadoc but it has never been successful. If possible, could anyone kindly tell me how to create Javadoc for connectors API?
My name is Yuki. For a group project, I have been trying to build connectors to ClearQuest and ClearCase. I am rather new to Jazz and have tried to access API documents. I have seen a someone's post regarding how to create Javadoc. Here is a excerpt:
"When trying to generate the JavaDoc from the source package I get about 100 errors. So this seems to be no solution either"
I have had exactly the same problem for connectors API. I have tried to fill missing references or dependencies to create complete Javadoc but it has never been successful. If possible, could anyone kindly tell me how to create Javadoc for connectors API?
4 answers

Hi Geoff,
It really helped. I will try that out!
Thanks for all your posts. Appreciate it.
It really helped. I will try that out!
Thanks for all your posts. Appreciate it.
Hi Yuki,
The connectors do not themselves store any especially interesting
information ... they just keep track of the "state" of the connection.
The interesting data is stored in the Jazz repository as standard Jazz
objects, and is most easily accessible using the standard Jazz APIs.
WRT the source code, yes, there are so many dependencies, I just unzip
all the source zips when I do my work. WRT organizing them, just unzip
them all into the top level of your Eclipse workspace, and you should be
fine (they are separate Eclipse projects, so it actually doesn't matter
where you unzip them).
ysaito1 wrote:
Hello Geoff,
Thanks for your reply. What I meant was I tried to use existing CQ and
CC connectors to gather data stored in them. So far, I have been doing
research on what kind of data I can retrieve using these connectors.
So I do not know what kind of data I can obtain from them.
What I have tried is to unzip RTC-Connectors-1.0.zip and extract the
source code, start the eclipse 3.4 GANYMEDE, drag and drop the
connectors' source code on to the newly created java project, and
generate Javadoc using. Apparently
there were so many missing references that the eclipse would not
allow me to create complete connectors' Javadoc.
Further, all "src.zip" files are separately stored; for
one is stored at
and another is at
It was hard, after you unzip them all, to get all .java files
organized at the right places so that you will not miss any
references or dependencies among those.
Does that answer you question? If not, please let me know and I can
come up with a different explanation.

Hi Yuki,
The connectors do not themselves store any especially interesting
information ... they just keep track of the "state" of the connection.
The interesting data is stored in the Jazz repository as standard Jazz
objects, and is most easily accessible using the standard Jazz APIs.
WRT the source code, yes, there are so many dependencies, I just unzip
all the source zips when I do my work. WRT organizing them, just unzip
them all into the top level of your Eclipse workspace, and you should be
fine (they are separate Eclipse projects, so it actually doesn't matter
where you unzip them).
ysaito1 wrote:
The connectors do not themselves store any especially interesting
information ... they just keep track of the "state" of the connection.
The interesting data is stored in the Jazz repository as standard Jazz
objects, and is most easily accessible using the standard Jazz APIs.
WRT the source code, yes, there are so many dependencies, I just unzip
all the source zips when I do my work. WRT organizing them, just unzip
them all into the top level of your Eclipse workspace, and you should be
fine (they are separate Eclipse projects, so it actually doesn't matter
where you unzip them).
ysaito1 wrote:
Hello Geoff,
Thanks for your reply. What I meant was I tried to use existing CQ and
CC connectors to gather data stored in them. So far, I have been doing
research on what kind of data I can retrieve using these connectors.
So I do not know what kind of data I can obtain from them.
What I have tried is to unzip RTC-Connectors-1.0.zip and extract the
source code, start the eclipse 3.4 GANYMEDE, drag and drop the
connectors' source code on to the newly created java project, and
generate Javadoc using. Apparently
there were so many missing references that the eclipse would not
allow me to create complete connectors' Javadoc.
Further, all "src.zip" files are separately stored; for
one is stored at
and another is at
It was hard, after you unzip them all, to get all .java files
organized at the right places so that you will not miss any
references or dependencies among those.
Does that answer you question? If not, please let me know and I can
come up with a different explanation.

Hello Geoff,
Thanks for your reply. What I meant was I tried to use existing CQ and CC connectors to gather data stored in them. So far, I have been doing research on what kind of data I can retrieve using these connectors. So I do not know what kind of data I can obtain from them.
What I have tried is to unzip RTC-Connectors-1.0.zip and extract the source code, start the eclipse 3.4 GANYMEDE, drag and drop the connectors' source code on to the newly created java project, and generate Javadoc using. Apparently there were so many missing references that the eclipse would not allow me to create complete connectors' Javadoc.
Further, all "src.zip" files are separately stored; for example,
one is stored at
and another is at
It was hard, after you unzip them all, to get all .java files organized at the right places so that you will not miss any references or dependencies among those.
Does that answer you question? If not, please let me know and I can come up with a different explanation.
Thanks for your reply. What I meant was I tried to use existing CQ and CC connectors to gather data stored in them. So far, I have been doing research on what kind of data I can retrieve using these connectors. So I do not know what kind of data I can obtain from them.
What I have tried is to unzip RTC-Connectors-1.0.zip and extract the source code, start the eclipse 3.4 GANYMEDE, drag and drop the connectors' source code on to the newly created java project, and generate Javadoc using. Apparently there were so many missing references that the eclipse would not allow me to create complete connectors' Javadoc.
Further, all "src.zip" files are separately stored; for example,
one is stored at
and another is at
It was hard, after you unzip them all, to get all .java files organized at the right places so that you will not miss any references or dependencies among those.
Does that answer you question? If not, please let me know and I can come up with a different explanation.

How are you trying to create the javadoc?
Are you loading the packages into Eclipse and using
File->Export->Java:Javadoc ?
When you say "you are trying to build connectors to CQ and CC", what are
you trying to do that is different from the existing CQ and CC
connectors? (So we can give you guidance on what packages to look at).
ysaito1 wrote:
Are you loading the packages into Eclipse and using
File->Export->Java:Javadoc ?
When you say "you are trying to build connectors to CQ and CC", what are
you trying to do that is different from the existing CQ and CC
connectors? (So we can give you guidance on what packages to look at).
ysaito1 wrote:
My name is Yuki. For a group project, I have been trying to build
connectors to ClearQuest and ClearCase. I am rather new to Jazz and
have tried to access API documents. I have seen a someone's post
regarding how to create Javadoc. Here is a excerpt:
"When trying to generate the JavaDoc from the source package I
get about 100 errors. So this seems to be no solution either"
I have had exactly the same problem for connectors API. I have tried
to fill missing references or dependencies to create complete Javadoc
but it has never been successful. If possible, could anyone kindly
tell me how to create Javadoc for connectors API?