Jazz supporting MAC OSX Flash development

I have someone working on MAC OSX 10.7 doing Flash development. They are willing to use the command line to do directory level check-ins, etc. Does anyone know if the command line tools for RTC work on OSX? I can't find any info saying it does. Can anyone suggest of a good usage model for them if it does not?
Accepted answer

Support for MAC OS X 10.6 and 10.7 is listed as a supported platform for the RTC Eclipse client starting with CLM 2012 Mod 1, see this link: https://jazz.net/wiki/bin/view/Main/CLMSystemRequirements
So, if the command line tools do not work, the Eclipse client SCM support is another option.
So, if the command line tools do not work, the Eclipse client SCM support is another option.
One other answer

They are expected to work.
We have a 3 part article about using the CLI w/XCode (for example) starting @ https://jazz.net/library/article/979
Hope this helps,
SCM Lead
SCM Lead