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Parent link of the lighweight editor not working as expected?

kuo hao tah (1142830) | asked Nov 07 '12, 6:06 a.m.
Hi There, 

I've tried including a 'Link' non attribute type presentation to the task lightweight work item editor. The 'Set Parent' button appears as expected, however when that button is clicked, it does not bring up the option window to choose a particular parent work item. 

Wondering if this is a defect and if anyone else has experienced this before? 



One answer

permanent link
Lauren Hayward Schaefer (3.3k11727) | answered Nov 07 '12, 7:26 a.m.
I am able to reproduce the error you reported.  I did a quick search in RTC and didn't see any related work items.  I opened Links not working properly in lightweight work item creation dialog (240130).  Can you comment in the work item with what version of RTC you are using any other details?

kuo hao tah commented Nov 07 '12, 5:35 p.m.

Hi Lauren,

Thanks for confirming that. We'll need this functionality to work because we've already created another 2 customized preconditions :
a) ONLY task work items can be used for check in and deliver
b) Every task work item MUST have a parent work item on save operation

Hence, if the lightweight editor doesn't allow option to associate a parent, that create work item save operation will fail every time.

If you could work on this quickly and provide a temporary fix that'd be great.



Lauren Hayward Schaefer commented Nov 08 '12, 6:39 a.m.

Unfortunately, the fix for this is outside of my scope.  It looks like the wok item is currently planned for our next release.  Your best bet is to comment in the work item to ask if you could get a temporary fix.

Jan Wloka commented Dec 20 '12, 10:45 a.m.

Will be fixed in 4.0.2 M2. 

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