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Approver Status - What Table for BIRT Report

Robert Carter (42928789) | asked Aug 22 '12, 8:34 p.m.
I am looking for where the Approver Status for a Work Item is kept.  I found approval info in the LIVE_WORKITEM_CNT, but there is not a field for the state of the approval by approver.  Just APPROVAL_STATE which is for the whole work item.  Which table do I need to join with to get this information?

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ankur sharma (66212228) | answered Sep 05 '12, 7:16 a.m.
The APPROVAL_STATE would have multiple entries one for each approval-state combination. Suppose a WI has approval status like this

      User 1 : Pending
      User 2 : Approved
      User 1 : Approved
then you shall find 3 entries

      User 1 : Pending
      User 2 : Approved
      User 1 : Pending

then you shall find 2 entries - one for each User 1 and User 2. APPROVAL_COUNT will be 2 for User 1 indicating 2 Pending states.

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