V4 response time very slow

web operations are slow as molasses
logging on takes forever (>200 seconds)
open a workitem (via url paste intpo browser) well, I am in 5 minutes but no results yet
start V3.0.1.1 and login takes <1 minute 1st time, and a few seconds second time on
open workitem (via url paste intpo browser) takes a few seconds
I had this same slowness on RC0, but assumed it was debug type info..
this is an Intel i7 2600 processor, 16gig of ram, running windows 7 (64bit). nothing else is going on.
(outlook is running) 7 of 16 gig used. cpu utilization <5%
one point on this system..
the system URL is mapped to a fixed IP address on the internet thru my router.
the installed RTC server name string is mapped in my hosts file to localhost. so that requests from internal and external systems work
how can I debug this slowness?
I am attempting to implement an OSLC mini viewer function on one of my app systems, and I need my server to respond in sometime reasonable.
(I have run all prior versions on this system without issue, and still have V3.0 and installed which don't exhibit this problem)
Accepted answer


thank you thank you ... while not a VMWare problem, it WAS a DNS problem.. seems my local router has lost its DNS proxy capability.. reconfiguring the router to send the ISP dns server to the clients and all the perf issues are gone..
sounds like V4 does a ton more DNS lookups than V3. maybe there is a better way to clean that up.. we will have to make sure to look at this when we start with V4 testing.
8 other answers

You can get the data in 4.x if you download the diagnostics from the diagnostics page.
I am running 4 on my i7 laptop with Tomcat/Derby all the time and it is fast as you could ask for. So I am not sure what you are facing.

I added some comments to the defect. Hopefully the Rational guru can find some solution to this.

One of my collegues stated that he encountered this issue in a WM. He had CQ-WebSphere AppServer,Doors Web Access and RQM installed on it. Everything seems to work fine except for RQM.
I'll contact to my customer about the configuration if I remember wrong about the machine being non-WM. May be I mis-remember it.

We have 2 installations with similar issues. One was fine with v3.x until we upgraded, the other was a clean v4.0 install.
I posted, during beta, that I thought v4.0 seemed slow, but I thought that was a beta thing. It wasn't a machine issue on our side, as we ran beta tests off of the IBM cloud.

Hi Steriling, Sam just confirmed that he has a DNS issue. You might see something similar. And if the cloud image has DNS issues as well, you would see it. But it would be very slow. If it is just a bit slow I would guess, maybe the virtualization provides the processing power and resources to too many cpu's. And rumor has it, some virtualzations throttle down the CPU based on resources in use too. If the CPU load is low you don't get as much CPU. This could cause delays on your end if the machine in not permanently on high load.