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Express-C License Issue

MAPAGILE MAPAGILE (81225) | asked Aug 14 '08, 6:50 a.m.

I have installed Express-C and facing licensing problems.
During setup I deleted ADMIN login and created a new user with admin priviliges.

But now when I execute any WebUI plugin via RTC console shows me your License file is in bad state. Check log for more details.
Also shows that license will expire after 2 days.
https://localhost:9443/jazz/admin does not allow me to login thru my newly created uname/pwd. It authorises only ADMIN-ADMIN uname/pwd.

Where as when I run Jazz server thru Server.Startup.bat file and then open https://localhost:9443/jazz/admin, it allows me to login thru new uname/pwd but shows ADMIN-ADMIN as invalid. There it doesnot show any license related problem.

I have tried reinstalling RTC but that didnt helped.

Kindly help me in resolving this issue.

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Matt Lavin (2.7k2) | answered Aug 14 '08, 8:32 a.m.
The problems you are seeing come from the fact that you are doing two
different things with your installation and expecting them to behave the

When you install Express-C it installs a database and a file that is designed for regular use. Using
server.startup.bat launches the server to use the packaged DB and

When you say "execute any WebUI plugin via RTC console", I assume that
you are using a launch configuration in RTC for the development of a new
component. When you launch in that configuration it is not designed for
regular use, and so it doesn't share the same configuration and DB as
the normal install. The reason the ADMIN/ADMIN login still works is
because that is enabled in the default configuration for development.

The license problem when launching the server for component development
is a related problem. For our development, we didn't want to have to
deal with licenses at all times. For that purpose, the licenses are not
included by default in the development time server. Since the
expiration of the development time server is near (tomorrow), you should
be able to get your development time server to include the packaged
licenses by adding the jazz/server/license-update-site/plugins/*.jar
plugin to your launch configuration. That should include the Express-C
license into your development server.

Matt Lavin
Jazz Server Team

mapagile_tcs wrote:

I have installed Express-C and facing licensing problems.
During setup I deleted ADMIN login and created a new user with admin

But now when I execute any WebUI plugin via RTC console shows me your
License file is in bad state. Check log for more details.
Also shows that license will expire after 2 days.
https://localhost:9443/jazz/admin does not allow me to login thru my
newly created uname/pwd. It authorises only ADMIN-ADMIN uname/pwd.

Where as when I run Jazz server thru Server.Startup.bat file and then
open https://localhost:9443/jazz/admin, it allows me to login thru
new uname/pwd but shows ADMIN-ADMIN as invalid. There it doesnot show
any license related problem.

I have tried reinstalling RTC but that didnt helped.

Kindly help me in resolving this issue.

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