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Installation issue

Roy Mammen (111) | asked Dec 19 '11, 1:34 p.m.
I am having trouble installing RTC, i get the following error message when I try to install Jazz Team server with required Base Keys, including trials and CMM, QM, and RM Applications packge specified in the /logs/tmp/RTC/im/linux.gtk.x86/Install-server/xml file cannot be found.
The package specified in the /logs/tmp/RTC/im/linux.gtk.x86/Install-server/xml file cannot be found

I am using IM Version: 1.5.0 and I tried downloading both RTC-Web-Installer-Linux-4.0M5a and RTC-Web-Installer-Linux-, but both are giving me the similar error message

I would appreciate any help on this.


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Kim Soederhamn (1.5k34348) | answered Dec 29 '11, 7:49 a.m.
I am having trouble installing RTC, i get the following error message when I try to install Jazz Team server with required Base Keys, including trials and CMM, QM, and RM Applications packge specified in the /logs/tmp/RTC/im/linux.gtk.x86/Install-server/xml file cannot be found.
The package specified in the /logs/tmp/RTC/im/linux.gtk.x86/Install-server/xml file cannot be found

I am using IM Version: 1.5.0 and I tried downloading both RTC-Web-Installer-Linux-4.0M5a and RTC-Web-Installer-Linux-, but both are giving me the similar error message

I would appreciate any help on this.


Check you have writing access and that you are running the correct file. Alternatively try to download the full install of RTC instead og the web installers. Usually the webinstallers run seperate and download the stuff they need after activating the installer inside them (not using IM I think)

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