Protecting password passed through the build definition

I have created a build definition in RTC of the type Jazz Ant Build definition.
In the properties of the build definition I have specified an attribute which passes a password to the build engine.
However the password appears in plain text format and then sent to the build engine.
This password is used to login to a second system from the build machine.
My requirement is to not make this password visible when the build is being fired.
How can I accomplish this?
I was looking for a password type value which can hide the password when typed. However there is no such functionality. The datatype that I can use is the String type.
What are my options to hide the password when the user enters it while firing the build?
I there a way it can be encrypted and sent to the build machine while requesting a build, then it would solve my purpose.
Any pointers/ideas?
In the properties of the build definition I have specified an attribute which passes a password to the build engine.
However the password appears in plain text format and then sent to the build engine.
This password is used to login to a second system from the build machine.
My requirement is to not make this password visible when the build is being fired.
How can I accomplish this?
I was looking for a password type value which can hide the password when typed. However there is no such functionality. The datatype that I can use is the String type.
What are my options to hide the password when the user enters it while firing the build?
I there a way it can be encrypted and sent to the build machine while requesting a build, then it would solve my purpose.
Any pointers/ideas?
3 answers

If you weren't specifically asking about the JBE's password, you could add the credentials to a file on the build machine that has access specified so that only the account running the JBE can see it. In the build definition, you could then have a property that specifies the location of this file so that it could be read in as a properties file in the build script.
Brent Ulbricht
RTC Build Lead
Brent Ulbricht
RTC Build Lead

This may be a very easy question, but I am not familiar with ant!
I have two build engines running on the same server but on two seperate drives. Both are identical except for the drive letter and a little configuration so you have...
X: - JazzBuild1
Y: - JazzBuild2
I've created a password file to encypt the password and both build engines run as a single "Build User", however if the build.xml referenced X:\Password.txt and it used JazzBuild2, it will fail.
So far I haven't managed to work out the best method as the ${basedir} is project related. Ideally it would be a "global" reference that many build files can access without manipulating paths, although if that is the only way then that's the way it is.
Ideally I would bury the Password.txt in the BuildEngine directory and have ant reference that but how can I ensure it uses the right drive for the right build engine? Is there a ${jbeLocation} (for instance)??
I have two build engines running on the same server but on two seperate drives. Both are identical except for the drive letter and a little configuration so you have...
X: - JazzBuild1
Y: - JazzBuild2
I've created a password file to encypt the password and both build engines run as a single "Build User", however if the build.xml referenced X:\Password.txt and it used JazzBuild2, it will fail.
So far I haven't managed to work out the best method as the ${basedir} is project related. Ideally it would be a "global" reference that many build files can access without manipulating paths, although if that is the only way then that's the way it is.
Ideally I would bury the Password.txt in the BuildEngine directory and have ant reference that but how can I ensure it uses the right drive for the right build engine? Is there a ${jbeLocation} (for instance)??