Can't deliver to current iteration in a new line
I've created a new development line called Proto, and under it an iteration. I've set that iteration as current. I created a work item, and set Planned For to the current iteration under the Proto development line. I associate that work item with a change set, and when I try to deliver, I get a Team Advisor error message saying "The associated work item must specify that the work is planned for the current iteration.The associated work item must specify that the work is planned for the current iteration." If I chang the work item Planned For to the current iteration in my Main Development line, I can deliver the change set just fine. Is this a bug, or is there some setup I'm missing? Bryan |
9 answers
Jared Burns (4.5k●2●9)
| answered Jun 11 '08, 12:00 p.m.
The "current iteration" is determined based on the stream that you are
delivering to. Your target stream is owned by a team area and that team area is in a development line. That line's current iteration is the one that matters. So I would guess that you're delivering to a stream which is owned by a team area in your Main Development line? -- Jared Burns Jazz Process Team Bryan Hunt wrote: RTC RC4 |
It was the case that the stream was owned by the development team and
not the proto team, but I switched that and still had the problem. Do I maybe need to re-create my workspace from the stream since I switched it to be owned by the proto team? On 2008-06-11 11:00:28 -0500, Jared Burns <jared_burns> said: The "current iteration" is determined based on the stream that you are |
Jared Burns (4.5k●2●9)
| answered Jun 11 '08, 2:34 p.m.
The workspace owner doesn't matter. When you're delivering change sets
to a stream, the stream is the only thing being modified, so only the stream's owning team area governs the operation. The next thing you should check is that your Proto team is actually in the Proto development line. You can check this in the team area editor. There is a development line section on the Overview page. -- Jared Burns Jazz Process Team Bryan Hunt wrote: It was the case that the stream was owned by the development team and |
I verified that the Proto team is in the Proto development line. Does
the iteration type of the current iteration (currently set to Project Phase) have any effect? Bryan On 2008-06-11 13:34:04 -0500, Jared Burns <jared_burns> said: The workspace owner doesn't matter. When you're delivering change sets |
Not sure if this provides any helpful info or not, but if I click on
Mark work item as planned for the current iteration in the Team Advisor, Planned For goes to Unassigned. On 2008-06-11 13:34:04 -0500, Jared Burns <jared_burns> said: The workspace owner doesn't matter. When you're delivering change sets |
Jared Burns (4.5k●2●9)
| answered Jun 11 '08, 4:14 p.m.
Have you created any iterations in your proto dev line? If so, have you
set any of these as "current"? Until you have a current iteration, the development line isn't really active (...though I don't think the UI reflects this in any way). -- Jared Burns Jazz Process Team Bryan Hunt wrote: Not sure if this provides any helpful info or not, but if I click on |
Yes, I have created an iteration, and yes, I set it to be current. The
UI even show's it's current. One thing I just noticed is that the Process Configuration Source (xml) contains my development and maintenance lines, but not my prototype line. Did the storage of development lines move out of the Process Configuration Source? Or is this a clue as to the problem? On 2008-06-11 15:14:08 -0500, Jared Burns <jared_burns> said: Have you created any iterations in your proto dev line? If so, have you |
Jared Burns (4.5k●2●9)
| answered Jun 11 '08, 6:08 p.m.
Yes to both questions.
The project's development lines and iterations are no longer defined in the process configuration (this changed in beta1 M3). The development lines and iterations are now defined solely in the project area Overview tab (they're persisted as modeled objects in the repo now). The only reason you need to refer to development lines and iterations in the XML if you really want to define process which only applies to those lines/iterations. Otherwise, you can just define your "regular" process right inside the team-configuration section... this process will then apply to all iterations and dev lines. If you are currently only granting permissions inside your old dev line, that would explain the behavior you're seeing. I would suggest that you refactor your process to push all of the common permissions and behavior up to the team-configuration level. -- Jared Burns Jazz Process Team Bryan Hunt wrote: Yes, I have created an iteration, and yes, I set it to be current. The |
Problem resolved. I cleaned up my old development lines, then deleted
them from the process xml, and now it's working as expected. Thanks for your help Jared. On 2008-06-11 17:08:19 -0500, Jared Burns <jared_burns> said: Yes to both questions. |
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