How to open a work item via CLI or Jazz ant task

A customer would like to have a work item automatically opened when there is a build break. We have our own automation and are using Jazz ant tasks to interact with rtc (teamAccept, teamFetch, etc.). I searched the forum and docs and couldn't find any information on how to open a work item using the SCM command line or an ant task. Is there a way to do this?
One answer

SCM command line does not provide a way to create a workitem. If you would like to create it using api's, here is the link which may help you do that...
A customer would like to have a work item automatically opened when there is a build break. We have our own automation and are using Jazz ant tasks to interact with rtc (teamAccept, teamFetch, etc.). I searched the forum and docs and couldn't find any information on how to open a work item using the SCM command line or an ant task. Is there a way to do this?