URL for baseline on website?

There are URLs for viewing contents of streams, repository workspaces,
snapshots etc. where you can see the details and contents of files. Is
there such a URL for baselines on website?
On Eclipse client one can select a baseline and select 'Show Repository
Files' to see a baseline's files. Is there such a functionality for the
One answer

A context menu action of 'Copy URL' was added to the RTC Eclipse client in 6.0 (It was implemented in Copy URL for baselines (344237))
Frank Smith
Jun 20 '19, 3:38 p.m.Thanks for asking this question as I was also wondering the same thing!
Jim Hobson
Jun 20 '19, 3:38 p.m.I'm uncertain if this is the best thread to make such a post however it seems to be the best option. I am interested in this for small business applications where certain information needs to be referenced frequently, or used repeatedly in completing projects. I would be very appreciative of any comments (or direction here) for such an application. Thank you.
Dj Mac Campbell
Jun 20 '19, 3:38 p.m.I recommend you to ask this question in webmaster forums. For sure they can give you good answer. :wink: