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RTC server install missing process templates

Geoff Alexander (19623948) | asked Jun 11 '10, 7:45 p.m.
I recently installed the RTC iFix 3 Enterprise Edition server on my Windows XP system. When I connect to it, don't see any process templates in the Process Templates view. When I connect to an RTC iFix 2 server that I installed on Windows Server 2008 x64 system a few weeks ago, I see five process templates: Cloudburst Sample Process, OpenUP Process, Scrum, Scrum (deprecated), and Simple Team Process. I even tried a server reinstall, but the process templates still don't show up.

Can tell me what I've might have done wrong? How can I get the missing process templates?

Geoff Alexander

5 answers

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Anthony Kesterton (7.5k9180136) | answered Jun 14 '10, 8:00 a.m.
I recently installed the RTC iFix 3 Enterprise Edition server on my Windows XP system. When I connect to it, don't see any process templates in the Process Templates view. When I connect to an RTC iFix 2 server that I installed on Windows Server 2008 x64 system a few weeks ago, I see five process templates: Cloudburst Sample Process, OpenUP Process, Scrum, Scrum (deprecated), and Simple Team Process. I even tried a server reinstall, but the process templates still don't show up.

Can tell me what I've might have done wrong? How can I get the missing process templates?

Geoff Alexander

Hi Geoff

When you try and create a new project - do you also not see any process templates, and you get the message to Deploy Process Templates? Once you have deployed the templates from the new project, cancel creating a project and see if they appear in the Process Templates View now.


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Sridevi Sangaiah (59179) | answered Jun 14 '10, 8:41 a.m.
I recently installed the RTC iFix 3 Enterprise Edition server on my Windows XP system. When I connect to it, don't see any process templates in the Process Templates view. When I connect to an RTC iFix 2 server that I installed on Windows Server 2008 x64 system a few weeks ago, I see five process templates: Cloudburst Sample Process, OpenUP Process, Scrum, Scrum (deprecated), and Simple Team Process. I even tried a server reinstall, but the process templates still don't show up.

Can tell me what I've might have done wrong? How can I get the missing process templates?

Geoff Alexander

Hi Geoff

When you try and create a new project - do you also not see any process templates, and you get the message to Deploy Process Templates? Once you have deployed the templates from the new project, cancel creating a project and see if they appear in the Process Templates View now.



Pre-defined process templates can also be deployed from Process Templates Management page in web UI by logging in as ADMIN user.

Jazz Process Team

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Geoff Alexander (19623948) | answered Jun 14 '10, 8:47 a.m.

Thanks for the reply. Your suggestion worked like a charm.

Geoff Alexander

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Anthony Kesterton (7.5k9180136) | answered Jun 14 '10, 10:34 a.m.

Thanks for the reply. Your suggestion worked like a charm.

Geoff Alexander

No problem - that was the "trick" way - and Sridevi added the correct way of doing this :-)


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lexica filozima (6) | answered Oct 22 '10, 1:01 a.m.
Is this correct way :D

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