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Tutorial Lesson 8: Jazz Team build

Frank Schophuizen (21823226) | asked Jan 05 '10, 4:33 p.m.
I have followed the "Getting started" tutorial. At lesson 8 I run into a problem.

I have started the Eclipse client with the Build user, created the repository connection and connected to the Prelude project area. Then I opened the Java perspective, which opens the Package Explorer view.

The Package Explorer view is empty, and I have no clue how to get the HelloWorld project visible that I have created and delivered to the stream in Lesson 7.

How can I get the project visible in the Package Explorer?


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Anthony Kesterton (7.5k9180136) | answered Jan 06 '10, 3:31 a.m.
I have followed the "Getting started" tutorial. At lesson 8 I run into a problem.

I have started the Eclipse client with the Build user, created the repository connection and connected to the Prelude project area. Then I opened the Java perspective, which opens the Package Explorer view.

The Package Explorer view is empty, and I have no clue how to get the HelloWorld project visible that I have created and delivered to the stream in Lesson 7.

How can I get the project visible in the Package Explorer?


Hi Frank

You probably need to load your code from your repository workspace - you can do this from the Work Items perspective.

Switch to the Work Items perspective, look in the Team Artifacts View and in the My Repository Workspaces section - check you have a repository workspace. Right-button on the repository workspace and select Load. You should be able to just select the Finish button on the dialog that pops up, and then switch back to your Java perspective and the code will be there.

If you don't have a repository workspace, you might have missed a previous step or there is an error in the instructions - let us know here on the forum what you do see on the My Repository Workspace folder and we can guide you through this.


Frank Schophuizen selected this answer as the correct answer

2 other answers

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Frank Schophuizen (21823226) | answered Jan 08 '10, 5:02 p.m.

You probably need to load your code from your repository workspace - you can do this from the Work Items perspective.
If you don't have a repository workspace, you might have missed a previous step or there is an error in the instructions - let us know here on the forum what you do see on the My Repository Workspace folder and we can guide you through this.

Apart from the assignment of the Build user to the team, lesson 8 is the first instance that he plays a role in the tutorial. To set up the Build user, the tutorial says:
  1. Switch to a new Eclipse workspace.
  2. Create a repository connection.
  3. Connect to the Prelude project area.

And a little bit further:

Create a build script
To create a build script:
Make sure you have a repository connection defined and you are logged in.

The Repository Workspace section only contains a Component entry, which is empty. There is no mention about creating a repository workspace until section
Creating a dedicated repository workspace

So this is what I did to follow your advice:

  • First section Creating a dedicated repository workspace
  • Then section Create a build script
  • .
  • Then section Creating a build definition and build engine
  • .
  • Left the Java home entry empty, because I have no Java compiler on my machine. The tutorial should have an (extra) step telling to install a Java compiler.
  • Although without a Java compiler, I did section Delivering the build script

  • I assume the rest will work as soon as I have the Java compiler working.

    So the tutorial should exchange the order of sections Creating a dedicated repository workspace and Create a build script.


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    Frank Schophuizen (21823226) | answered Jan 09 '10, 4:51 p.m.

    So this is what I did to follow your advice:

    • First section Creating a dedicated repository workspace
  • Then section Create a build script
  • .
  • ...

  • In other words, your advice did the trick. Thank you!


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