We are working on Java 8 with EWM-7.0.2 setup and now our technologies are upgraded to Java 11 as minimum

One answer

7.0.2 is only supported with Java 8 (and fixpacks) see https://www.ibm.com/software/reports/compatibility/clarity-reports/report/html/softwareReqsForProduct?deliverableId=EDD1D170F4F011E9AB9E8E93B6B03A05&osPlatforms=AIX|IBM%20i|Linux|Mac%20OS|Windows|z/OS&duComponentIds=D004|D002|D001|D003|S005|S006&mandatoryCapIds=30|9|24|35|13|132|42|16|26|40&optionalCapIds=133|66|135|7|5|1|187|74|19|137|27|4#prereqs-5 - i.e. NOT with Java 11.
7.0.3 uses Java 11.

Ian, I can't really remember, but I thought you could at least use a Java 11 with a P2 install in the EWM Client.
See the system requirements: https://jazz.net/wiki/bin/view/Deployment/ELMSystemRequirements702