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RTC for i 2.0?

Zdenek Boruvka (5162) | asked Dec 15 '09, 6:02 a.m.
I didn't find a release plan for RTCi. Has a release date for 2.0 been set up yet?

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Andreas Nicoladoni (19612523) | answered Dec 15 '09, 10:14 a.m.
I didn't find a release plan for RTCi. Has a release date for 2.0 been set up yet?


i'm new in RTC-i but we have IBM Buisness lead has told us that it will come in Q1 2010.

Could you help us with best practice to set up our initial environment for develope with RTC-i RDi. Up to now we use ADM from IBM under V5R2 and know we migrate our system i to V5R4 and want to develop with RTC-i and RDi. 95% of our code is native COBOL on system-i.

Have you eventually some tips for us.

Thank you in advance

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