ERM 702: is there a Recycle Bin for deleted artifacts?
2 answers
There is no Recycle Bin unfortunately. This is also the reason you probably don't want to give delete permissions to just any user!
The answer above assumes you have a project that has Configuration Management enabled, but this brings other levels of complexity with it and may not be viable in many cases.
What I do in my project areas is remove delete permission from the average user's role, and make it something only a senior person or admin role can do. I then create a Recycle Bin folder and get all users to put anything that they want to delete into that. Once a month the senior person on the project notifies users that the Recycle Bin is going to be purged, and then they delete everything left in the bin.
Deletions can also be done for specific artefacts at any time, but it's good to set up a routine for the project
I also couple this with workflows that include a Deleted state, but you don't necessarily have to do this - does help with reporting though when you can filter out anything that's soft deleted in this way.
There is no such feature of retrieving deleted artifacts.
- You can better manage requirements by creating child streams and once everything is ok, deliver the changes to the parent stream.
- Enforcing changesets at stream level for any user operation can also be helpful wherein you can review the changes before delivery as well.