API's to programmatically export a Report Builder report?

As mentioned in the Export reports programatically , Is the API "<server>:<port>/rs/reportdefinition/<id>/export/excel/static " still valid for 7.0.2? We tried using this and unable to export the report. Please let us know if we have any other API for the same.
The private API is using a Query ID which we are unable to find.
One answer

These are all the APIs we are currently aware of: https://jazz.net/wiki/bin/view/Deployment/CLMProductAPILanding
The reporting APIs are included, There are external reporting options that might have their own APIs.
If these public APIs are insufficient from your perspective, please create an idea here: https://www.ibm.com/support/pages/welcome-ibm-ideas-portal

That page and its linked pages do not include any Report Builder or LQE REST APIs. That's because there are no such public REST APIs. I think the OP is looking to export report results, not reports. A report export creates a zip file that can be imported into another Report Builder instance that is compatible and has compatible data sources. A report results export is to CSV, Excel, Word, HTML etc.

Thank you Ralph Schoon and David Honey for the response.
So what we are looking for is to have the report results exported programmatically. If there are no such public API's , do we any private API's? The private API exposed by IBM uses a query ID which we are not sure how to obtain. Any hints on this please?

We do not document or support private APIs.