EWM query attribute "workitem" missing value "Unassigned"

in EWM 7.0.2 we can define custom attributes of type "workitem" and query for that. In our case, we have a work item type "Bug" and added the custom attribute "Detected In" of type workitem to it. We'd like to query for all Bugs, that have no "Detected In" value (=work item) set.
Unfortunately, this seems to be not possible. There is no "Unassigned" checkbox or similar for that available.

I already looked at the Advanced user guide to querying work items but found no solution there.
Anyone got any work around available for the use case? Is it a bug, a new feature request?
Thank you,
Accepted answer

I would suggest to file an enhancement request. You might want to open a case with support to check. If it works a s designed and requires an enhancement request, you will be provided with how to.