How to get the URL of local configuration in ETM?
Hi Team,
I am using this API to find the global configuration directly using its name, - https://server/gc/oslc-query/configurations?oslc.where=dcterms:title="Test Project (Global Configuration)".
Similarly, do we have a direct apis to get the URL of local configuration/stream/baseline?
One answer
I suggest you look at and bookmark
Other references that you may find useful:
You would need to:
- Discover the OSLC Service Provider catalog for configuration management in the domain tool from its rootservices document.
- Iterate over the OSLC service providers referenced in the Service Provider Catalog.
- Discover the OSLC Query Capability for rdf:type oslc_config:Configuration
- Use the query base to perform a query - see the OSLC Query specification.