Why does the allExtensions RPE query only run once per work item?
When I run my RPE template with workitem/workitem followed by a do while loop with the workitem/workitem/allExtensions query inside the loop, I get results for the first iteration of the loop, but not subsequent iterations (within the context of the same workitem/workitem entry) seems to not even execute the query to go to the elements inside the query's container.
One answer
For debugging the issue, create a simpler template. At first just add containers with appropriate query and print the values , to see if all values are getting printed.
Then start adding conditions/loops according to your requirement , but make sure you generate document after adding each condition or loop. May be that will bring you down to the condition or loop that is causing this .
Thank you for your response and suggestions.
Janet Charbonneau
Apr 05 '23, 2:46 p.m.