Control conditional formatting in an Excel worksheet's cell from Publishing (RPE)

Is it possible to control conditional formatting in an Excel worksheet's cell from Publishing?
Using version 7.0.2.
My goal is to apply conditional formatting that fills the cell with color (from the left) according to the % value in the cell. For a value of 100%, the cell would be completely filled from the left, whereas for a value of 50%, the cell would be halfway filled from the left. This functionality is available in the native Excel UI, but does not seem to be controllable from Publishing.
Accepted answer

Though conditional formatting is supported in RPE, data bars (specific to Excel, which you are looking for) cannot be created through RPE. You can open the generated Excel output and manually select the column and choose Conditional Formatting->Data Bars->Solid Fill/Gradient Fill. If you are using RPE/PUB 7.0.3, you can achieve the same using a post processing Excel macro.
One other answer

Hi Bob,