Qestion regarding the received batch file from you

Hello Ralph
thanks for sharing the batch file .
can you pls inform where shall i give my query in this batch file
i am bit confused on how to get the output i want
what i have now with me is the query i created
now,how to place this query in the batch file you have given to me
@echo off rem rem * Licensed Materials - Property of IBM rem * © Copyright IBM Corporation 2007, 2022. All Rights Reserved. rem * rem * Note to U.S. Government Users Restricted Rights: Use, rem * duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule rem * Contract with IBM Corp. rem / rem set CURLPATH=C:\Development\cURL\curl-7.64.1-win64-mingw\bin set CURLPATH=C:\Windows\System32 set COOKIES=./cookies.txt set USER=ralph set PWD=ralph set HOST=https://elm.example.com:9443/ccmrem For JAS Enabled Setup follow guidance from see https://jazz.net/wiki/bin/view/Main/NativeClientAuthentication#Open_ID_Connect_and_the_Jazz_Sec "%CURLPATH%\curl" -k -c %COOKIES% "%HOST%/authenticated/identity" "%CURLPATH%\curl" -k -L -b %COOKIES% -c %COOKIES% -d j_username=%USER% -d j_password=%PWD% "%HOST%/authenticated/j_security_check" "%CURLPATH%\curl" -X GET -k -b %COOKIES% "%HOST%/resource/itemOid/com.ibm.team.workitem.query.QueryDescriptor/_MP6ZcAS7EeyiDIlAjMF45Q?_mediaType=text/csv" -o query.csv
One answer

This is the query:
1. Please read my answer from the original question. As far as I remember I explained how to get to the question URI
2. Do not post a follow up question as new question, unless it is unrelated to the initial question.