Broken: RTC-GitHub integration fails to identify newly defined keywords

In this URL Defining new keywords, it says post 6.0, new keywords can be defined by using a Git configuration property named rtc.wikeywords as below:
git config --global rtc.wikeywords "ticket,issue"
So I setup my project (7.0.2) with a GitHub repository using a user common to both systems, and cloned the GitHub repository on my Windows system.
Thereafter I looked up the Program Epic work item in the RTC project, which has the alias epic.
So I configured my system's git configuration as
git config --global rtc.wikeywords "epic"
But even after setting these global settings in the folder containing .git folder,
when I added "epic" as a word in the commit message,
none of the pushed commits were reflected in the Links section of the RTC work item.
Am I doing something wrong or is there something more needed to be done?