[DNG] Can we copy a view only between certain modules

I know that we can create a shared views in DNG modules which is applicable for all the other modules in a component/project.
I have a special use case like where Module A has view A and it has to be copied to Module B only not to other modules exist in Project Area / Component.
I thought RM Client Extension but not sure we have client API to create views in DNG. Any leads ?
2 answers

I am not alowed to add screenshots here. So, it is rather difficult to explain which button to push. Nevertheless, I try to detail more :
1/ record the view in Module A as a personal view
- go to module A, select the view.
- On top of the "view" menu, select "save as new view".
- Give a name and choose "personal" and "all modules" options
=> the view appears in green below previous views.
2/ copy the green view in Module B
- select the personal green view in module B.
- On top of the "view" menu, select "save as new view".
Give a name and choose "shared" and "just this module" options
=> the view appears in blue and can be used for module B
Hope you will find this usefull

simple way to do : record the view in Module A into personnal view, so you will get it for any module . Then, go to Module B, record this personnal view as a shared one, but limited with the option "just this module". Delete the personnal view. Module B will have its own view, copied from module A.
Does it answer your concern ?