[PUB] Does RPE Studio supports ArrayList, HashMap (Collections)
Hello Team,
I have a use case probably it can be solved in different way.
- Does RPE Studio supports List, Map ... ?
Use Case :
Assume for a requirement , it can be linked to multiple test cases using validated by Link. But while printing I have to print in a different way.
My starting point of retrieving / printing is Doors Next Generation
- Test Case ID Test Summary Requirement ID Requirement Summary
Could you please support if any alternate solution?
Accepted answer
Yes. Most of the standard Java classes can be used inside the java script. The following will work fine in RPE template:
//ElementsList and TypesMap are template variable
if (ElementsList == null || ElementsList == ""){
ElementsList = new java.util.ArrayList();
TypesMap = new java.util.HashMap();
TypesMap.put("Type1", new java.util.ArrayList());
var val = TypesMap.get("Type1");