How can I import test script step results like Excel/Word Importer Utility via REST API?
The REST API description gives no clear picture how to do this.
The documentation of Excel/Word Importer Utility provides the information that a generated Microsoft Excel file supports the following items: Step Result, Actual Result, and Comments (read and write). That is exactly the information that I would like to import directly via REST API.
Rational Quality Manager 6.0 is used.
Accepted answer
Hi Ralph,
You can do a GET on any exiting result with all this information and then update the XML accordingly and PUT it back to same URL for updating the result and to a new URL to create a new result.
3 other answers
You opened up a new perspective for me with your answer. So if I relate that to my use case, then I can generate a test case result (executionresult) with test step results (ns16:stepResults). The system then automatically generates the executionelementresult records.
If my use case works, I'll let you know.
Thank you
Hi Monika,
thank you for your answer.
I already have the knowledge to handle most of the QM artifacts at the REST API (Reportable and OSLC), like Test Cases, TCR, TECR, TSR, TSER.