EWM: How do I display a decimal field with a fixed number of decimal points?

One answer

I gave it a shot. You have only one presentation kind, there are no obvious properties or flags that you can choose to change the behavior. So, I do not see a way to change the behavior to what you want.
It would be nice if there was some kind of format extension or scripting that would be possible. Feel free to write an enhancement request.
I have experimented with different ways of solving such a problem with out of the box capabilities. My approaches were to use string based attributes in several ways:
1. As attribute to store the data - this requires custom validators to make sure users do not type invalid data.
2. A calculated value as representation in a string attribute. I do not like adding artificial attributes that are potentially written too often, but it is a valid approach in some cases. This gets around typing invalid values to some extend, but shows you a different formatting.