Connecting a 3rd party tool with IBM DOORS Next via OSLC

Accepted answer

@Ralph, I believe Gurctan is asking about the sandbox environments. If this is true, this is not possible. The sandbox environments on are not meant to be used for exploring integrations. Gurcan, you could download and install onto your own environment to test this out.
5 other answers



This sentence does not make sense:
does this mean that we're able to test the OSLC connection from a DOORS Next sandbox account?

Ralph, thanks for your help and prompt responses. Can you perhaps point us to the person who has the admin permissions on the sandbox, so that we can work with that person to modify the whitelist of the DOORS Next server? If you do not know who that person is, do you know somebody else who can help us? At the end of the day, we only would like to try out the OSLC interface of DOORS Next without necessarily buying a commercial license for a server just for this purpose. Is this at all possible? Thanks in advance!

I don't know who is running that infrastructure. I am not sure they could even provide such a service. You can install a local DNG Server. There are eval licenses that partners can us, I think.

This sounds like a plan. Thank you very much Ralph! I am going to send you an e-mail tomorrow.