Document Style reports in DNG and session time-out

i would like to know, if somebody ever research the case, what is expected behavior
RPE report is run from DNG as Document Style report and report execution takes longer than 30 min.
If Timeout session on DNG takes 30 min, and DNG automatically log out the user, will report execution fail or continue to work?
When the same user login again after 15 min, will report still run and successfully finish?
Thank You
2 answers

Thank you for the answer.
We have tested your suggestions and here are conclusions.
LTPA timeout will force user logout, after LTPA timeout expires user system logout user no matters of actions.
We have aligned LTPA timeout and token timeout to 30 minutes and there is no possible any more to generate a report when execution takes longer than 30 minutes.
Seems that default set up in CLM - LTPA timeout 6h and license time out 30 min are quite reasonable.
It seems, but I would like that somebody confirm that. User is able extend license timeout by working in system, but user can not extend LTPA time out, and after two hours session is closed anyway.
It directly impacts RPE report execution, session expires - even license, even ltpa and licenses, report generation fails.
Solution in case of such reports is to extend both timeouts.
Of course - this is just assumptions

Document generation continues even if you click Close button in the wizard or close the browser before document generation completes. However, you will not be able to open the document file through DNG web UI; it can be found under %temp%rrc_reports in DNG server.
I generated a report (that takes more than 2 hours) through DNGĀ and the session was idle for more than 2 hours. I did not see timeout issue and I could open the generated document after 2 hours. Looks like there will be no timeout if report generation is in progress.
I will get it confirmed.

Looks like I was not logged out after LTPA timeout as documented in
As mentioned by DNG team, this timeout would be an issue if you are generating reports. You should increase the timeout value in advanced properties so that timeout value is more than report generation time.