Create Validated By Link via OSLC?

I'm scratching my head. I am trying to link a DOORS artifact with an RQM test step via OSLC. I am getting a message of "Success" back, but the link is not present. Thanks for any help fixing my request!
I'm sending the following request to the DOORS artifact's resource URL:
Content-Type: application/rdf+xml
OSLC-Core-Version: 2.0
Request Body:
<rdf:RDF><oslc_rm:validatedBy rdf:resource="https://RQMServer/qm/oslc_qm/contexts/<contextId>/resources/<testStepId>"/><rdf:RDF>
End of Request
I suspect my rdf:resource is not correct... but I retrieved that URL from an OSLC query on all steps. Maybe I need one more step to retrieve the URL in another format?
Accepted answer

I'm not aware that PATCH is supported, but if it didn't fail, then maybe it is - its not part of standard OSLC. RM links are owned by RQM, so, you need to do the PUT there, not in DNG.

Ok, I am trying to create now from the RQM side, still without luck.
I am following this doc exactly.
The entire PUT data I am sending is:
<oslc_qm:testScriptStep><oslc_qm:validatesRequirement rdf:resource="https://myDOORS/rm/resources/CA_8282bbdKUHiu987Yuhff3sjhO"/></oslc_qm:testScriptStep>
I am PUTting this with OSLC headers to the oslc url for the test step I want to link, as found in step 4 of the doc. The result is "AQXCM5012E The resource could not be retrieved or created."

Hallelujah! It apparently does not accept partial PUTs like some of the other applications. Now, I am getting the RDF for the entire test step, then adding the validatesRequirement node and PUTting that back. IT WORKS! I was surprised I didn't have to submit the ETag though.