How to use RQMexcelImporter to link new Test Case Execution Records to existing RQM test cases?

The samples provided with the installation of RQMexcelImporter, specifically "Scripts that create testcases with TCER" create new test cases for the TCER records to link with. I've attempted different variations of configuration statements using existing RQM Test Case ID's to link new TCER records uploaded with the RQMexcelImporter but have had no success. None of the other samples seem to demonstrate how this works.
Any suggestions?
Thank you,
Mark Prybylski
One answer

You need to specify ID of existing artifact while using Link syntax and it will link TCER to existing test case.
In the given sample file if column 'O' is listing existing test case IDs ( or other_external_ID) then modify configuration syntax to refer test case ID from that column (executionworkitem.testcase=Link(O)).