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what is maximum length of oslc query for fetching artifacts of doorsng?

aresha vora (2110) | asked Sep 23 '20, 2:46 p.m.
what is maximum length of oslc query for fetching artifacts of doorsng?

I would like to know what is default max limit for url length for the oslc query for doorsng application. also is there any setting to configure this limit.

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Cristobal Sandoval (862) | answered Oct 02 '20, 4:31 p.m.

 Hi Aresha

This is the documentation i found regarding the character limits you ask

Executing a query or search is achieved by executing either of the following: 
- a GET on the query base URI of a query capability, with zero, one or more query parameters shown in the table below. Servers must support a GET on the query base URI of a query capability. This is the simplest usage, but clients must be careful to avoid constructing URIs whose length exceeds server limits. If such a GET URI exceeds 1000 characters, clients should use the POST mechanism described below.
- a POST on the query base URI of a query capability with a application/x-www-formurlencoded body containing zero, one or more query parameters shown in the table below. Servers should support POST on the query base URI of a query capability to avoid clients having to construct URIs that are too long. 


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