RQM - Import Test case Results - With Build info/Iteration

I was trying the Scripts that create testcases with TCER.xls in the samples folder of Excel import utility.
What i got: Every time i use this template, the same test case results get updated. This i understand.
My objective is: A Test case and its scripts would be executed on multiple Builds. Is there a way, for me to only import 'Test Case Results' linked with TCER, Test Case , Test Script - based on 'Build'. I mean, can i push the 'Build' via Excel to RQM.
So, the end objective is:
TC1-TS2-TCER1-TCR1_Build1(ID-XX) - For Build 1
TC1-TS2-TCER1-TCR1_Build2(ID-YY) - For Build 2