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Defect in - error using snapshots...

Sterling Ferguson-II (1.6k10287273) | asked Nov 05 '09, 9:32 a.m.

Once we installed, we have been problems, especially with Manual Test Scripts, creating snapshots, then doing a copy, and renaming/saving.

We get save failed:

No existing IManualExecutionScript found for ItemId:_TBWeMcoWEd650LeKYeUm7w

1. Create Test Plan
2. Create Test Case
3. Create Test Script
4. View snapshot
5. Create snapshot
6. Create "copy"
7. Rename, add step and hit save
8. Get Error

6 answers

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Sterling Ferguson-II (1.6k10287273) | answered Nov 06 '09, 9:11 a.m.

Our steps are:

3. Create Test Script
4. View snapshot
5. Create snapshot
6. Create "copy"
7. Rename, add step and hit save
8. Get Error

Does anyone else see this in

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Sterling Ferguson-II (1.6k10287273) | answered Nov 10 '09, 8:32 a.m.
Never mind,

It's a confirmed defect for :-(

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Matthew Kelly (11) | answered Jan 21 '10, 8:20 a.m.
Have just had iFix2 applied to our edition and it unfortunately it doesn't seemed to have solved this problem... any outlook on a fix?

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Sterling Ferguson-II (1.6k10287273) | answered Jan 21 '10, 8:42 a.m.
Have just had iFix2 applied to our edition and it unfortunately it doesn't seemed to have solved this problem... any outlook on a fix?


ifix001 and 002 should not still show this issue. I am on ifix002 right now and I don't see it.

It was first listed as fixed in 001:

APAR Summary
PM00617 RQM: "An Internal error occurred duing: "Export to RQM"
PM00707 RQM2.0.0.1 - Error during snapshots of scripts

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Matthew Kelly (11) | answered Jan 21 '10, 11:17 a.m.
Still doesn't work, just to clarify, it successfully takes a snapshot, it's just when you create a copy of the snapshot and try to save the copy that it fails...

Maybe I've not been upgraded properly - can confirm for me I'm on iFix2, here are my details:

Version =
Build ID = I20091214_0623

Many Thanks.

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David Mehaffy (90123338) | answered Jan 21 '10, 12:53 p.m.
hightower00 wrote:
Still doesn't work, just to clarify, it successfully takes a snapshot,
it's just when you create a copy of the snapshot and try to save the
copy that it fails...

Maybe I've not been upgraded properly - can confirm for me I'm on
iFix2, here are my details:

Version =
Build ID = I20091214_0623

Many Thanks.

It is still a defect that is not resolved. I opened it early on and it

got duped to another defect and I verified that the duped defect did not
fix this problem so I reopened my defect - it is actively being worked.
The defect number is 26268

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