RTC impact of uploading large files to SCM

We are having a distributed architecture and using Websphere base and DB2 database along with IHS. Also webcontainer write property is set sync mode for RTC WAS profiles. We have noticed that some of our teams are uploading large files of 3GB and more to RTC (CLM 6.0.6) scm.Does uploading such files impact the overall perfromance of the application considering our teams are using heavily for scm. Will it impact other clm application users considering the load on IHS.?
2 answers

Uploading a 3GB file in an SCM system is not a good idea. Use a binary external content repository such as Artifactory integrated with RTC.

Thanks Ralf.

Don, RTC stores SCM data in a database. It has to store binaries in the database as well. Databases are not ideal to store huge data, let alone binaries. All the data has to be passed through the involved servers as well. If a server is already busy, this makes things worse. We suggest using caching proxies, that can help to some extend.
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