What is the purpose of Jazz Administration and Jazz Source Control Compare perspectives? Any documentation on the same is appreciated.
2 answers
Please read this to understand what a perspective is, to answer your question: https://www.tutorialspoint.com/eclipse/eclipse_perspectives.htm
'Jazz Administration' is a perspective that could be used by Jazz Administrators. It gives you 3 views that might be beneficial for project administration:
-The "Team Artifacts" view for connecting to a Jazz repository (or multiple), connecting to various Project Areas as well as exploring the artifacts of each project area
-The "Team Organization" view for when you need to manage project areas and their child team areas (ex: create new child Team Areas)
-The "Process Templates" view to manage which available process templates are on each of the connected repositories (you may need to import/export/customize process templates).
(Note: I am not sure if there is official help documentation for this perspective, however it is talked about in this article: https://jazz.net/library/article/44)
The 'Jazz Source Control Compare' perspective is used by the daemon when the Visual Studio requests that a file be opened in the Eclipse compare editor. It's a perspective which maximizes the screen real estate when comparing files in the editor (and prevents the user from seeing/opening other views). There is no official help documentation on this perspective.
For more information on perspectives in general, please see: https://www.tutorialspoint.com/eclipse/eclipse_perspectives.htm
For more information on perspectives in general, please see: https://www.tutorialspoint.com/eclipse/eclipse_perspectives.htm