Execution Tool: How to debug executing tcers without tcerId

Processing input parameters for TestCase Execution
Finding TCER Id for testCaseId: 15988
Exception occurred while doing a post to the server with the URL:https://rqm.project.sys/service/com.ibm.rqm.execution.common.service.rest.ITestcaseExecutionRecordRestService/findExecutionRecordByTestCaseAndTestPlan
Exception occurred while finding Test Case Execution Record ID: Please verify that the values for parameters testCaseId/testSuiteId, projectName are valid and exist.
An internal error occurred. For details, see the log.
Accepted answer

This has been delivered in 6.0.6 version. Check details at Extend the Execution Tool to support the ability to identify a TCER/TSER to run based on additional input variables (156784) and N&N at Test execution: Identify a TCER or TSER to run based on additional input variables (168018)

Please check the log files of RQM and execution tool. Also remove 1 parameter after another to check which parameter is causing the issue. Like you can try running without testEnvironment. If that does not work then run without testEnvironment and currentIteration. If that also does not work, try running without testEnvironment, currentIteration. and testPlanId. If that also does not work, open the test case in the test case editor and go to test case execution record section to verify whether any TCER exists for the test case. If not, then create a TCER 1st and try running the command